Opposition Contender Joins the Ruling Party

Thursday December 15, 2016 - 13:30:00 in Wararkii u danbeeyay
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    Opposition Contender Joins the Ruling Party

    Jamaal Ali Hussein who recently lost a court case after the Supreme Court ruled in favour of the chairman of the opposition Justice and Welfare Party told supporters at the port city of Berbera that he officially joined the ruling party, Kulmiye.

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Jamaal Ali Hussein who recently lost a court case after the Supreme Court ruled in favour of the chairman of the opposition Justice and Welfare Party told supporters at the port city of Berbera that he officially joined the ruling party, Kulmiye.
The legal battle started after Jamaal sued the chairman of his then party, Faisal Ali Warabe, for "undermining Jamaal's presidential candidacy for Justice and Welfare Party," according to the court records.

The case was concluded in favour of the Chairman who refuted Jamaal's candidacy and argued that the the General Assembly has the mandate to determine.

The new development is a part of series of movements in which politicians changed loyalties ahead of expected presidential election in March 2017.

Muse Behi Abdi is running for the ruling party, Kulmiye, against two opposition contenders, namely Abdirahman Mohamed Abdilahi of Waddani and Faisal Ali Warabe of Justice and Welfare Party.

The incumbent, Ahmed Silanyo, elected in June 2010 is not seeking reelection. His term expired 2015, but he received extension of term.


The news article is edited by Jama Ahmed Jama, the Editor-in-Chief of Somaliland Daily 

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