Khaatumo and Somaliland reach final agreement

Saturday October 21, 2017 - 12:21:39 in Wararkii u danbeeyay
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    Khaatumo and Somaliland reach final agreement

    Hargeisa- The president of the Republic of Somaliland, Ahmed Mohamed Silaanyo, and the president of Khaatumo Ali khalif Galaydh agreed on Khaatumo to join Somaliland.

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From left: President Siilaanyo and Galayd
Hargeisa- The president of the Republic of Somaliland, Ahmed Mohamed Silaanyo, and the president of Khaatumo Ali khalif Galaydh agreed on Khaatumo to join Somaliland.

The parties agreed "the militias of Khaatumo shall become nationalized and the country to have a national army that secures the borders, existence, and interest of the state,” the agreement says.

The two parties agree to "establish justice, equality, and peaceful co-existence.”

The two parties have been negotiating to solve a conflict that caused deaths. The conflict started after Khaatumo was founded as a regional administration under the Federal Government of Somalia, a claim Somaliland rejected.

The parties also agree "to re-open the constitution to secure power sharing based on justice and equality, and to assign a permanent committee to do that work.”


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