Djibouti Interior Minister Visits Somaliland

Thursday December 15, 2016 - 14:24:24 in Wararkii u danbeeyay
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    Djibouti Interior Minister Visits Somaliland

    Hassan Omar Mohamed Bourhan, the Interior Minister of Djibouti, is in Hargeisa for official visit.

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Hassan Omar Mohamed Bourhan, the Interior Minister of Djibouti, is in Hargeisa for official visit.
Talking at a brief press conference at Somaliland Presidential Palace, the minister said he came into Somaliland to advance the "historical relationship between the two peoples.”

The Minister did not detail the reason of his visit. He said "I delivered a message to the President which I cannot share with the media. However, our main mission is to develop the cooperation between the two peoples.”

He asked Somaliland not to criticize Djibouti if something happens. Although the Minister’s statement was not clear, many believe that he was inferring an incident that occurred March in which Djibouti coast guards and Somaliland coast guards exchanged fires.

The Minister met with the President of Somaliland and senior government officials including his counterpart, Yasin Faratoon.

The government of Somaliland is yet to comment.




The news article is edited by Jama Ahmed Jama, the Editor-in-Chief of Somaliland Daily

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