Somaliland: three journalists in prison

Monday December 18, 2017 - 14:11:41 in English News
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    Somaliland: three journalists in prison

    Hargeisa- According to Human Rights Centre, a local human rights organization, three journalists are in jail in Somaliland.

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Photo: journalist Ahmed Saed Mohamed
Hargeisa- According to Human Rights Centre, a local human rights organization, three journalists are in jail in Somaliland.

Ahmed Saed Mohamed is the latest one put in prison. Ahmed is a journalist with Eryal TV. Human Rights Centre told Somaliland Daily that the arrest of Ahmed came after the mayor of Berbera asked his apprehension. The mayor was annoyed by an interview aired by the television where opposition member accused the mayor of corruption. The opposition member himself was arrested but later released.

Abdirisak Dayib Ali, another journalist, is also in Gabiley prison.

Mohamed Adan Dirir sentenced by a court to 18 months in jail is in Hargeisa prison.

In total three journalists are now behind bars.

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