President Behi appoints a new governor for the central bank

Sunday April 22, 2018 - 16:45:12 in English News
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    President Behi appoints a new governor for the central bank

    Hargeisa- Yesterday, President Muse Behi Abdi has appointed Ali Ibrahim Jama as the new governor of the central bank.

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Hargeisa- Yesterday, President Muse Behi Abdi has appointed Ali Ibrahim Jama as the new governor of the central bank.


The bank governor will replace Mohamed Abdi Ibrahim who has been fired by the president.

Ali’s appointment comes at a time Somaliland is experiencing currency depreciation and inflation.

The president has also appointed Ahmed Hassan Abdi as the director general of the bank.

Governor Ali is new to the government tasks but has been working for private banks in the UAE and Canada.

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