Government-opposition talks collapse

Tuesday July 19, 2022 - 15:26:59 in Wararkii u danbeeyay
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    Government-opposition talks collapse

    Hargeisa- The opposition accused the government of failing the talks, an allegation rebuked by the government.

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Hargeisa- The opposition accused the government of failing the talks, an allegation rebuked by the government.

In a press conference, the two chairpersons of Waddani and UCID, Hersi Haji Ali Hassan and Faisal Ali Warabe, accused the government and the ruling party of refusing to give consent to the mediators.

The speakers of the two houses of the Parliament met the opposition leaders this morning at the residence of the speaker of the Guurti, Saleban Mohamoud Adan, with the presence of Abdirisaq Khalif, the speaker of the House of Representatives.

The speakers informed us that the president had not permitted the speakers to issue a decision on the dispute, says Hersi Haji Ali Hassan.

Mohamed Kahin Ahmed, the interior minister and deputy chairperson of Kulmiye, accused the opposition of walking away from the talks on their own. He said that the government and the ruling party were awaiting the negotiations to continue but saw the opposition press conference.

The two sides disagree over the sequencing of elections.

The opposition leaders said they are in consultations and will reach a decision.

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