The judiciary is not independent, opposition party says

Monday January 16, 2017 - 15:28:18 in Wararkii u danbeeyay by Jama Ahmed
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    The judiciary is not independent, opposition party says

    Hargeisa- Yesterday, the President of Somaliland, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud, issued a decree transferring the management of the budget of the lower courts from the Ministry of Justice to the Supreme Court, a decision the Chief Justice called a milestone

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Hargeisa- Yesterday, the President of Somaliland, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud, issued a decree transferring the management of the budget of the lower courts from the Ministry of Justice to the Supreme Court, a decision the Chief Justice called a milestone. However, the opposition says it will not make any change.

The Justice Secretary of Waddani Party, Barkhad Jama Hersi, accused the executive of interfering in the judiciary and undermining judiciary independence.

"The entire judges of the Supreme Court, except the Chief Justice, can be dismissed and appointed by the President without a need of Parliamentary approval. The presidency controls and interferes the judiciary. The judges are not independent to do their functions,” he said.

"The President promised to establish an independent judiciary during his campaigns seven years ago. Transferring budget at a time he is leaving office makes no sense,” he added.

In a press conference, the Chief Justice praised the President for the decision and said it is the most important decision relevant to the judiciary that was ever made since the constitution was approved in 2001 referendum.

Adam Haji Ali Ahmed, the Chief Justice, came in power in early 2015.

About author

Mohamed J Ismail is a reporter for Somaliland Daily 

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