Human Rights Centre calls on the government to drop the charges against Guleid Ahmed Jama

Sunday February 05, 2017 - 13:41:01 in Wararkii u danbeeyay
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    Human Rights Centre calls on the government to drop the charges against Guleid Ahmed Jama

    Hargeisa- The Somaliland Police interrogated Guleid Ahmed Jama, a lawyer and the chairperson of Human Rights Centre, today, after he was summoned by the court to answer questions from the Police who filed a criminal against him for a recent petition

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Guleid Ahmed Jama, the chairperson of Human Rights Centre
Hargeisa- The Somaliland Police interrogated Guleid Ahmed Jama, a lawyer and the chairperson of Human Rights Centre, today, after he was summoned by the court to answer questions from the Police who filed a criminal against him for a recent petition hosted by Human Rights Centre calling on a police reform, Human Rights Centre said today in a press release.
On Saturday, Guleid gave an interview to Sahan newspaper to explain the petition. The newspaper editor-in-chief was also questioned by the Police.

The petition in question asks the "President to reform the Police of Somaliland; to subject the police to the jurisdiction of the civilian courts; to pass laws and procedures making the Police accountable; and to reform the organization of the Police and restructure it to make it compatible with the Constitution of Somaliland in order to eradicate the Police practices inherited from the military government of Siad Barreā€. So far hundreds of people signed the petition.

"Human Rights Centre calls on the government to immediately drop the charges against Guleid," Ahmed Hussein Abdi added. 

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