Former Itihaad leader and other religious leaders in Burao says "democracy is against Islam and Somaliland is not a democratic"

Saturday October 28, 2017 - 20:57:52 in Wararkii u danbeeyay
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    Former Itihaad leader and other religious leaders in Burao says "democracy is against Islam and Somaliland is not a democratic"

    Hargeisa- Today, a group of religious leaders held a press conference in Burao and said Somaliland is not a democratic country. Democracy is contrary to Islam, they said.

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Sheikh Ali Warsame
Hargeisa- Today, a group of religious leaders held a press conference in Burao and said Somaliland is not a democratic country. Democracy is contrary to Islam, they said.

The religious leaders asked the president to observe his obligation towards Islam and criticized "a government official” who said Somaliland is a democratic country.

Sheikh Ali Warsame, the former leader if al-Itihaad al-Islamiya, an organization that is listed as terrorist organization by the Security Council was among them. Sheikh Ali Warsame led Itihaad from the 1980s to 1997.

Al-Itihaad does not exist currently and Sheik Ali is no longer its leader.

The call of the religious leaders came after the State Minister of Internal Security stated that Somaliland is a democratic country in response to a question asked about the prohibition of music in Burao.

The Minister said music cannot be prohibited.

A powerful religious organization called the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice imposed an order to the hotels in Burao city, east of Somaliland, which prohibits music.

The religious leaders were angered by the remarks of the minister. Friday sermons in yesterday disparaged the minister and called music "haram”, prohibited.

The influence and actions of the religious leaders have been increasing in Buroa.

Some commentators are worried about their influence

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