
Dacwadda Muranka Badda ee Somaliya V Kenya

0 Visits: 2784 | Saturday October 16, 2021 - 10:53:23
Hargeisa- Waxaan halkan ku soo koobi doona nidaamki iyo xukunki ka soo baxay dacwadda Muranka Badda ee Somaliya v Kenya. Iyadoo aanu qoraal hore ka sameynay 26 – August- 2021, "waxa ay qabato Maxkamadda Cadaalada Caalamku ee ICJ". Kaasi oo hordhac u ahaa si akhristuhu u fahmo sida ay u shaqeyso…

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Maxay Qabataa Maxkamadda Cadalaada ee Caalamka (International Court of Justice ICJ)?

0 Visits: 3423 | Thursday August 26, 2021 - 12:06:22
Faallo: Maxay Qabataa Maxkamadda Cadalaada ee Caalamka (International Court of Justice ICJ

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Baaq Shacab oo ay soo saareen muwaadiniin Somalilland

0 Visits: 2596 | Monday May 18, 2020 - 09:53:59
Hargeysa- muwaadiniin reer Somaliland ah oo degan gobolada dalka oo dhan ayaa maanta soo saaray Baaq Shacab oo ku beegan 18 May.

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Xaqdoon Law Firm: Legislative review of gender parity in politics and leadership in Somaliland

0 Visits: 2496 | Thursday April 30, 2020 - 21:37:51
Hargeisa- A leading law firm reviews to study legislations pertinent to gender equality to pinpoint challenges and opportunities.

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Hargeisa: Top local government officials arrested for corruption

0 Visits: 3135 | Thursday October 03, 2019 - 18:43:50
Hargeisa- The Office of the Attorney General is leading an investigation of corruption and fraud allegations in Hargeisa Local Municipality.

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Former Justice Minister denies ordering the extradition of prominent businessman

0 Visits: 2397 | Tuesday April 02, 2019 - 18:19:01
Hargeisa- The former minister of justice, Abdiqani Ateye, who is now the defence minister, said a letter circulated in the media claiming that he ordered the arrest and extradition of Somaliland businessman is fake.

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Somaliland: Can the Judiciary Commission hold judges accountable?

0 Visits: 2729 | Wednesday March 20, 2019 - 13:04:39
Hargeisa- The Judiciary Commission is responsible for the appointment, removal of office, promotion, demotion, transfer and the discipline of the judges of the lower courts.

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Somaliland: The Supreme Court sits Awdal and Gabiley

0 Visits: 2385 | Sunday March 17, 2019 - 21:07:54
Hargeisa- The judges of the highest court of Somaliland led by the Chief Justice, Adam Haji Ali Ahmed, with lawyers and prosecutors started last week to hear civil and criminal cases in Awdal and Gabiley regions.

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The tenure of local council ends in March

0 Visits: 2296 | Sunday March 17, 2019 - 21:01:26
Hargeisa- The extended term of the local councils of Somaliland will expire at the end of this month. Elections scheduled this month were delayed to the end of the year.

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Somaliland: Xeerka Cusub ee Kufsiga

0 Visits: 3537 | Wednesday September 19, 2018 - 08:49:46
Hargeysa- Halkan ka eeg Xeerka Kufsiga ee dhowaan uu saxeexay Madaxwaynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland,

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Maxkamadda rafcaanka oo dhegaystay dacwad ka dhan ah suxufi

0 Visits: 2408 | Wednesday December 20, 2017 - 15:34:25
Hargeisa- Maanta Maxkamadda Rafcaanka Gobolka Hargeysa ayaa dhegaysatay dacwad ciqaab ah oo ka dhan ah suxufi Maxamed Adan Dirir.

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Court in Hargeisa jails a man who blamed the court of corruption

0 Visits: 3047 | Friday November 03, 2017 - 12:25:39
Hargeisa- The Chairman of Hargeisa Regional Court, Ahmed Dalmar Ismail, told the media that the court sentenced Abdiqadir Mohamed Ismail to one a year of imprisonment for spreading false propaganda against the court.

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Ethiopian refugee wins paternity case, the Supreme Court rules

0 Visits: 2958 | Sunday February 19, 2017 - 14:33:50
Hargeisa- In Saturday, the Supreme Court ruled in favour of an Ethiopian refugee mother. The case where an Ethiopian national and three local people disputed the paternity of a child commenced from Sool Regional Court.

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Somaliland: appeal court orders retrial of previously acquitted journalist

0 Visits: 3968 | Tuesday January 31, 2017 - 14:57:37
Hargeisa- An appeal court in Buroa, east of Somaliland, quashed a regional court decision which cleared journalist Ahmed Mouse Sakaaro. The court ordered retrial of the journalist.

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Hargeisa Court Pronounces a Judgment of a Case Related to Facebook Posts

0 Visits: 2667 | Thursday December 15, 2016 - 08:47:38
13th December 2016, Yesterday, Hargeisa Regional Court acquitted two clerks and other four were given sentence between six months to one year of imprisonment. The six court clerks were prosecuted for Facebook posts and chatting.

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Hargeisa Regional Court Concludes Trial of a Case Related to Facebook Posts

0 Visits: 2824 | Monday December 12, 2016 - 12:35:44
Hargeisa Regional Court has been trying six court clerks facing prosecution related to Facebook posts and chatting.

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