Somalilanders voted a historic presidential election

Monday November 20, 2017 - 20:47:48 in Wararkii u danbeeyay
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    Somalilanders voted a historic presidential election

    Hargeisa- On 13th November, hundreds of thousands of Somaliland citizens queued in a historic presidential vote to elect the president in the coming five years.

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The three presidential candidates.
Hargeisa- On 13th November, hundreds of thousands of Somaliland citizens queued in a historic presidential vote to elect the president in the coming five years.

Three presidential candidates were running for the election. Muse Behi Abdi of the ruling Kulmiye party faced Abdirahmaan Mohamed Abdilahi of Waddani and Faisal Ali Warabe of UCID.

The International Observers said the election happened peacefully.  

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