Somaliland establishes a civil aviation authority

Sunday December 17, 2017 - 21:09:57 in English News by Super Admin
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    Somaliland establishes a civil aviation authority

    Hargeisa- Today the new president of Somaliland Muse Behi Abdi appointed the manager of the Civil Aviation Authority, a new agency.

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Photo: Hargeisa Airport
Hargeisa- Today the new president of Somaliland Muse Behi Abdi appointed the manager of the Civil Aviation Authority, a new agency.

Abdi Mohamed Rodol, a former pilot, will become the first person to lead this agency.

Recently the House of Representatives of the Parliament approved a Bill creating the authority. However, the President made the appointment before signing the Bill into a law.

President Behi appointed Abdilahi Osman as the minister of transportations and roads, making him in charge of civil aviation. Abdilahi served as the deputy minister of interior under president Silanyo government.

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