Somaliland: the State Minister of Foreign Affairs accuses the opposition a treachery

Monday December 19, 2016 - 22:51:21 in Wararkii u danbeeyay by Jama Ahmed
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    Somaliland: the State Minister of Foreign Affairs accuses the opposition a treachery

    Waddani and the government exchanged accusations over a controversial trip in which Waddani opposition party visited Nairobi, Kenya.

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Mohamed Mihile Boqore, the State Minister of Foreign Affairs
Waddani and the government exchanged accusations over a controversial trip in which Waddani opposition party visited Nairobi, Kenya.

Hargeisa- Opposition party visit in Nairobi infuriated the government of Somaliland. Mohamed Mihile Boqore, the State Minister of Foreign Affairs, told Star TV that the visit was a treachery intended to overthrow the government. "Waddani has already violated the constitution. This is a treachery,” the minister says, talking to Star TV in an exclusive interview.

A delegation consisting of senior leaders of Waddani, the main opposition party in Somaliland, met Western embassies and Saudi embassy in Niarobi in last week.

"The international community cannot come to Somaliland without the authorization of the government,” he adds.

Abdirahman Mohamed Abdilahi, the presidential candidate of Waddani, speaking after his delegation returned from Nairobi, rebuffed the allegations of the government. "The purpose of our meetings was to seek emergency support for the drought affected people of Somaliland,” he says.

"We also talked to Saudi Arabia embassy over their decision to suspend Somaliland livestock imports. We asked them to lift the ban,” he adds.

The controversial trip attracted headlines in the local newspapers of Somaliland. While Waddani described it a successful nonpartisan journey aimed to boost Somaliland’s international relations and humanitarian support, the government defined it a treacherous tour undermining state institutions.

Waddani and the government have been exchanging accusations.

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