President Behi appoints senior officials

Sunday April 01, 2018 - 19:13:14 in English News
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    President Behi appoints senior officials

    Hargeisa- Today, the President of Somaliland Muse Behi Abdi appointed 24 government officials.

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President Muse Behi Abdi
Hargeisa- Today, the President of Somaliland Muse Behi Abdi appointed 24 government officials.

The fact that all of the appointees are men attracted public reaction.

The president appointed 17 director generals, three governors for Sahil, Gabiley, and Buuhoodle, and two deputy governors, the deputy chairman of disaster management agency, as well as Somaliland’s Representative to the African Union.

Abdinasir Ahmed Hersi has been appointed as the new director-general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The director general on internal security of the Ministry of Interior goes to Abdi Nour Ahmed. Abdi was a director general under the former President Silanyo.

The new director general of the ministry of finance was given to Abdirahman Sheikh Hassan. Abdirahman worked for the central bank before he moved to the private sector.

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