SONSAF staff has been accused of smearing campaign and risking HRDs

Friday April 27, 2018 - 16:31:55 in English News
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    SONSAF staff has been accused of smearing campaign and risking HRDs

    Hargeisa- A prominent think-tank based in Hargeisa demanded Somaliland Non-state Actors Forum to stop "smearing campaign" made by a senior staff against human rights defenders.

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Hargeisa- A prominent think-tank based in Hargeisa demanded Somaliland Non-state Actors Forum to stop "smearing campaign" made by a senior staff against human rights defenders.

Here is the full statement of the Centre for Policy Analysis (CPA):

Centre for Policy Analysis (CPA) demands Somaliland Non-State Actors Forum (SONSAF) to clarify its position towards the safety and work of the human rights defenders of Somaliland. Having considered a written complaint submitted by a human rights defender, and after analyzing the comments he complained about, we are deeply concerned about the unacceptable and dangerous statements publicly made by a senior staff of SONSAF who openly attacked through the social media the human rights defenders and made allegations that can put their lives at risk. The allegations also harshly tarnished the concept of human rights itself. We acknowledge that this is not the first time the officer in question made in a public place a similar statement that undermines the human rights while claiming representation of SONSAF.

Recognized that the human rights defenders are already working in a tough environment in a selfless manner, it is unacceptable a senior staff of SONSAF to lead a smearing campaign against them.

It is beyond doubt that the work of human rights organizations in Somaliland is not any way contrary to the sacred religion of Islam. Any claim to the contrary to smear the human rights is wrong and perilous. Human rights are enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Somaliland which is based on the religion of Islam as stipulated in article five of the Constitution.

We urge SONSAF to distance itself from that statement, take an appropriate action against the senior staff in question and make a public apology to the human rights defenders and refrain such unacceptable and dangerous attacks to the human rights defenders and to the human rights principles.

Lastly, CPA commends the work of the human rights defenders in Somaliland and urges them to continue their efforts.

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