Renegade colonel in talks with the government

Thursday August 15, 2019 - 10:24:47 in Wararkii u danbeeyay
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    Renegade colonel in talks with the government

    Hargeisa- Colonel Saed Awil Jama (known as Col Aare) said he is in talks with the government of Somaliland to end hostilities and his armed rebellion.

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Col Aare
Hargeisa- Colonel Saed Awil Jama (known as Col Aare) said he is in talks with the government of Somaliland to end hostilities and his armed rebellion.

Aare who was a colonel in the National Army left the government forces and formed an armed group to fight against the government of Somaliland. In the beginning, he started a base in the neighbouring Puntland administration of Somalia, but currently, his militias are stationed in mountainous ranges west of Erigavo, the administrative capital of Sanaag region.

Elders from the clan of the colonel are working to mediate in an attempt to avert bloodshed.

Aare said he accepted the mediation of the elders, a cease-fire and to engage in talks with the government of Somaliland.

The position of the government towards the mediation is not clear as there is no public statement on the matter.

A source close to the mediating elders told Somaliland Daily that the elders are waiting the president of Somaliland, Muse Behi Abdi, who is performing pilgrimage in Mecca to return.

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