ISCO Somaliland members sign a governing document

Saturday August 24, 2019 - 11:28:30 in Wararkii u danbeeyay
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    ISCO Somaliland members sign a governing document

    Hargeisa- Today, Saturday 24th August 2019, the Independent Civil Society Organisations (ISCO Somaliland) signed a memorandum of understanding that will serve as the governing rules and regulations for ISCO Somaliland.

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Hargeisa- Today, Saturday 24th August 2019, the Independent Civil Society Organisations (ISCO Somaliland) signed a memorandum of understanding that will serve as the governing rules and regulations for ISCO Somaliland.

Here is a press release from ISCO Somaliland: 

The signatories represent diverse organisations across the country who are working on different issues including minority rights, youth, women rights, researches, democratisation, child rights, human rights advocacy and development.

The purpose is to establish a platform to cooperate on areas of democracy and civic space.

"We will always act in accordance for the best interest of democracy and civic space based on the constitutional principles and international standards,” says Ms Sahra Mohamed Ali of the Centre for Youth Empowerment, who is based in Burao.

"A platform of this kind aims to focus on grass root level organisations and more on the regions outside of the capital, Ms Umulkhayr Said Hassan, the chairperson of Somaliland Women Association (SOWA) from Borama said.

The platform is open for every independent civil society organisation. Issue of independence is explicitly elaborated in a partnership suitability form and is compulsory for all member organizations to undergo.

"We are glad to be part of a civil society gathering dedicated to collectively work on the issue of common interest and to cooperate for enhancement of democracy and civic space," Ms Yasmin Omar Haji Mohamoud, the chairperson of Human Rights Centre, which will serve as the secretariat of the platform said.

All member organisations are committed to sustaining an independent and vibrant network of civil society actors and groups that are responsive and accountable to the people.

It is a requirement and strongly agreed on ISCO Somaliland to remain politically nonpartisan.

For further information contact ISCO Somaliland secretariat via:


Twitter: @ISCOSomaliland


For Media inquire, contact:

Ms Sahra Mohamed Ali

Mobile: +252 63 4329950


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