President Muse Behi honours army officers

Tuesday September 10, 2019 - 18:31:24 in Wararkii u danbeeyay
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    President Muse Behi honours army officers

    Hargeisa- Today, the president of Somaliland, Muse Behi Abdi, honoured four military officers who completed military training.

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Hargeisa- Today, the president of Somaliland, Muse Behi Abdi, honoured four military officers who completed military training.

The officers returned from Ethiopia where they have successfully completed training at the Military Staff College in Ethiopia.

"You are required to build the military with the education you acquired. We will focus on building the army. If the army is strengthened, the nation will be strengthened,” the president said.

You should further advance the army, he added.

The head of the military and the minister of defence were present at the event.

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