Somalilanders take the social media to express anger against UNSOM

Monday January 02, 2017 - 12:42:32 in Wararkii u danbeeyay by Jama Ahmed
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    Somalilanders take the social media to express anger against UNSOM

    #EducateUNSOM is a hashtag attracting growing tweets from Somalilanders who are expressing anger towards the position of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) on the indirect electoral process in Somalia.

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Michael Keating, Head of UNSOM
#EducateUNSOM is a hashtag attracting growing tweets from Somalilanders who are expressing anger towards the position of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) on the indirect electoral process in Somalia.

Elections of members of the two houses of the Parliament are ongoing in Somalia and UNSOM strongly supports the system. In the process, members purportedly representing Somaliland have been elected in Mogadishu.

The twitter users accused the UNSOM ignorance of Somaliland's situation. 

In 1991, Somaliland declared separation from Somalia. The government of Somaliland denounced the participation of Somaliland nationals in the Federal Government of Somalia.

Because of Somaliland’s rejection, the UN supported elections decided to gather people in Mogadishu to elect members who are depicted to represent Somaliland. This caused anger and frustration in Somaliland across political lines. Both the opposition and the ruling party condemned and stated that Somaliland is not represented in Mogadishu.

Michael Keating, the Special Representative for Somalia and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), regularly tweets information claiming that Parliamentarians are elected by Somaliland.

The people who are infuriated by the promotion of UNSOM, took the social media to criticise the UN which they accused of siding with Somalia and ignoring the will of the people of Somaliland.

About the author

Jama Ahmed Jama is the Editor-in-Chief of Somaliland Daily 


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