Berbera airport will remain a civilian airport, Somaliland president

Saturday September 14, 2019 - 13:31:32 in Wararkii u danbeeyay
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    Berbera airport will remain a civilian airport, Somaliland president

    Hargeisa- President Muse Behi Abdi said Berbera Airport will be reconstructed and extended as a civilian airport, but not a military airport as expected.

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Hargeisa- President Muse Behi Abdi said Berbera Airport will be reconstructed and extended as a civilian airport, but not a military airport as expected.

When Somaliland granted a military base to the United Arab Emeritus, Berbera Airport was handed over to the Emeritus to build a military base.

Today talking to people in Berbera, the president said in this week a reconstruction of the airport will start and it will be used for civilian purposes.

The announcement of the president does not mean Somaliland withdrew the military base because the transfer of the airport was not an integral part of the deal.

Nevertheless, it is not clear whether the UAE military will use the civilian airport or build its own runway for the military base.

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