ISCO Somaliland calls on the nomination of competent and nonpartisan members of NEC

Sunday September 29, 2019 - 18:53:05 in Wararkii u danbeeyay
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    ISCO Somaliland calls on the nomination of competent and nonpartisan members of NEC

    Hargeisa- Members of the Independent Somaliland Civil Society Organisations (ISCO Somaliland) released a press statement on the nominations of the electoral body.

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Hargeisa- Members of the Independent Somaliland Civil Society Organisations (ISCO Somaliland) released a press statement on the nominations of the electoral body.

Here is the full statement:

The members of the Independent Somaliland Civil Society Organisations (ISCO Somaliland) call on the President of the Republic of Somaliland H.E Muse Behi Abdi, the leaders of the two opposition parties, Faisal Ali Warabe of UCID, and Abdirahman Mohamed Abdilahi of Waddani, and the chairperson of the Guurti, H.E Suleiman Mohamoud Adan, to nominate individuals with integrity, calibre and competence for the membership of the National Electoral Commission (NEC).

NEC is an important institution for holding free and fair elections. We call on all stakeholders who are mandated by law to nominate members of the Commission to avoid naming partisan individuals. We request the process of nomination and screening to be made public and transparent and should be based on meritocracy.

We request the members of the Commission to include women and minority communities.

We ask the House of Representatives during the approval process to conduct a transparent hearing.

ISCO Somaliland commends the outgoing members of the National Electoral Commission.

We reiterate our position that further delays of the elections will be unconstitutional and completely unacceptable.


The following signatories operate in all regions of Somaliland:

1.Centre for Policy Analysis

2.Centre for Youth Empowerment,

3.COMPAD Human Rights and Community Organization

4.Garsoor Social Development organisation

5.Hodan Women Relief Organisation

6.Horseed Organisation

7.Hope Development organisation

8.Human Rights Centre

9.Solidarity Youth Voluntary Organization (SOYVO)

10.Somaliland Street Children Rehabilitation Centre

11.Somaliland Women Association (SOWA)

12.Somaliland Women Development Centre (SOWOD)

13. Voice for Somaliland Women Minority Organisation (VOSOMWO)

For Media inquire, contact:

Independent Somaliland Civil Society Organisations Coalition (ISCO Somaliland)

Ms Sahra Mohamed Ali

Mobile: +252 63 4329950



The Independent Civil Society Organisations(ICSO) is a loose coalition of a number of civil society organizations united for the purpose of protecting democracy and free space.

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