Hargeisa: Top local government officials arrested for corruption

Thursday October 03, 2019 - 18:43:50 in Wararkii u danbeeyay
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    Hargeisa: Top local government officials arrested for corruption

    Hargeisa- The Office of the Attorney General is leading an investigation of corruption and fraud allegations in Hargeisa Local Municipality.

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Hargeisa- The Office of the Attorney General is leading an investigation of corruption and fraud allegations in Hargeisa Local Municipality.

On Wednesday, two senior local government officials in Hargeisa have been arrested for allegations of corruption. Three were already in police custody after they were arrested for corruption and fraud charges, making the number of arrested officials five. 

The officials are remanded into a police station.

The suspects include two heads of departments and two chairs of districts in Hargeisa. Hargeisa is subdivided into districts, and each district is run by a chairperson. 

Sources say the investigation is ongoing and may implicate others. At least one suspect is still at large.

This is the biggest arrests of senior local government officials incriminated of corruption.

Reliable sources confirmed the arrests and allegations.

At this stage Somaliland Daily does not want to disclose the names of the five officials who are in police stations.

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