Is Somaliland closer to elections?

Wednesday January 20, 2021 - 21:05:18 in Wararkii u danbeeyay by Super Admin
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    Is Somaliland closer to elections?

    Hargeisa- The National Electoral Commission proposed 31st May 2021 to hold long-awaited House of Representatives and local councils elections.

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Hargeisa- The National Electoral Commission proposed 31st May 2021 to hold long-awaited House of Representatives and local councils elections.

The proposal, backed by the opposition, is supported by the opposition. In a joint conference, the ruling party and the opposition asked the House of Elders (the Upper House of the Parliament) to endorse the electoral body's proposal.

Usually, the Elders are needed for a setting an election date. According to the Elections Act, when the election body declares the date, it can conduct an election, and the President has to decree the election date formally. What is the difference now?

The House of Elders, which controversially extends the term of the House of Representatives, theirs and that of the President, stretched the House's tenure to December 2021. Therefore, the President needs to get the Elders' blessing to comply with the NEC's timeframe.

The current House of Representatives was elected in 2005 for five years. That was the first- and last-time parliamentary election to happen in Somaliland. Those who were born in 2005 are now eligible to vote, and many have registered.

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