Somaliland: Human Rights Centre condemns the detention of 4 journalists in Borama

Wednesday January 20, 2021 - 21:12:31 in Wararkii u danbeeyay by Super Admin
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    Somaliland: Human Rights Centre condemns the detention of 4 journalists in Borama

    Hargeisa- Human rights advocacy group accused the government of harassing journalists.

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Hargeisa- Human rights advocacy group accused the government of harassing journalists.

On yesterday the Human Rights Centre issued a press statement demanding the government of Somaliland to release four journalists detained in Borama, a town located west of the capital. The journalists have been released today without charges.

Here is the fulls statement of the advocacy organisation: 

19thJanuary 2021- Human Rights Centre calls on the government of Somaliland to release detained journalists immediately and unconditionally.

Hussein Ateeye Gaafane a reporter of Universal TV, Abdilaahi Dahir Ways, of Saab TV, Ahmed Dirie iltire, a reporter of SBC TV and Shuab Mohamed Kahim of Bulsho TV, have been in detention in Boorama since 16th January2021 on the order of the city Mayor, according to multiple sources. They are not charged with any crime. All four journalists are based in Borama.

According to journalists who talked to Human Rights Centre, the detention of the journalists is related to Facebook posts alleging undisclosed mayor's visit in Djibouti. They were detained without a court warrant.

"The detention is arbitrary and repressive. Somaliland journalists work in an increasingly silencing environment," says Yasmin Omar Haji Mohamoud, the Human Rights Centre's chairperson.

"Detention of journalists for Facebook posts is contrary to the Constitution and the Press Law of Somaliland. The mayor has no legal authority to order detention of a person whom he dislikes his opinion. Freedom of expression is a constitutional matter not subject to the approval of a mayor,” adds Yonis Ismail Ibrahim, the Executive Director of Human Rights Centre.

According to Article 25(2) of the Constitution of Somaliland "no person can be arrested or detained, except when caught in the act of committing a crime or, on the issue of a reasoned arrest warrant by a competent judge”.

Article 32 of Somaliland Constitution state that "the press and other media are part of the fundamental freedoms of expression and are independent.”

Human Rights Centre calls on the government of Somaliland to release detained journalists immediately and unconditionally.


For further information contact:

Yasmin Omar Haji Mohamoud,

The Chairperson of the Human Rights Centre


Twitter: @hrcsomaliand

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