New Generation University opens new building

Saturday December 16, 2023 - 13:08:21 in Wararkii u danbeeyay by Super Admin
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    New Generation University opens new building

    Hargeisa- New Generation University in Hargeisa became the first private university to build its own premises.

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Hargeisa- New Generation University in Hargeisa became the first private university to build its own premises.

New Generation University, a private university based in Somaliland, became the first private university in Somaliland to have its own building.

An event attended by the Vice-president of Somaliland, Abdirahmaan Sayli, several ministers, members of the Parliament, politicians and academics was held at the main hall of the new building. 

The participants all praised the leadership of the University for taking a positive initiative to build its education facility, which is imperative for the sustainability and reputation of the University. Other private universities in Somaliland operate in rented buildings. 

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