Traditional leaders express shock over Eil Afwayn recurrent interclan wars

Saturday December 16, 2023 - 15:37:48 in English News
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    Traditional leaders express shock over Eil Afwayn recurrent interclan wars

    Hargeisa- Yesterday, at least four clan militias died in Darar wayne village of Eil Afwayn district in Sanaag region after two clans clashed.

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Photo: El Afwein disrict
Hargeisa- Yesterday, at least four clan militias died in Darar wayne village of Eil Afwayn district in Sanaag region after two clans clashed.

The two clans have been sporadically and recurrently fighting in the area since 2016, and many attempts to reconcile have failed. The latest attempt was a conference concluded in November where the elders of two clans took oath to accept peace.

The renewed fighting shocked many, but in particular, the traditional elders who had been mediating the two sides were dismayed.

In a press conference today, the mediating elders criticised the people who are instigating the violence. They emphasised that all agreements have been continuously violated.

They pleaded for peace.

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