Somaliland and Khaatumo clashes in Erigavo: At least three civilians died, and 18 were wounded

Sunday December 15, 2024 - 15:33:50 in English News
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    Somaliland and Khaatumo clashes in Erigavo: At least three civilians died, and 18 were wounded

    Erigavo- A war that started in Erigavo yesterday enters the second day causing deaths and injuries of civilians and armed groups.

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Erigavo- A war that started in Erigavo yesterday enters the second day causing deaths and injuries of civilians and armed groups.

The armed confrontation took place yesterday inside Erigavo after armed SSC-Khaatumo militias and the Somaliland police force clashed. A motor shell launched by SSC-Khaatumo killed a child. Also, a police officer was killed. The casualties of SSC-Khaatumo forces are not reported because they are not taken to the Erigavo Hospital, which is under the control of Somaliland. Three civilians and seven police officers were also wounded.

Today, two civilians and two police officers were killed. Twenty-one individuals, six police officers, and 15 civilians got injured.

The war also started in Masagan Valley, about 20 km southeast of Erigavo. This war is between the Somaliland military and SSC-Khaatumo, which is directed to capture Erigavo from Somaliland and extend their hand to their forces fighting inside the city.

The Somaliland government has yet to comment on the war and the casualties.

Thousands of families are fleeing the city.

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