The chairman of Somaliland Money Exchangers Association dies in police custody and opposition party demands probe

Thursday January 26, 2017 - 10:40:51 in Wararkii u danbeeyay by Jama Ahmed
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    The chairman of Somaliland Money Exchangers Association dies in police custody and opposition party demands probe

    Hargeisa- Today, Abdilahi Ali Barre, the chair of Money Exchangers Association, died in police custody at Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland. He was arrested yesterday after the government issued a decision imposing the exchange rate of Somaliland S

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Abdilahi Ali Barre. Photo by: Cumer Seerbiay
Hargeisa- Today, Abdilahi Ali Barre, the chair of Money Exchangers Association, died in police custody at Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland. He was arrested yesterday after the government issued a decision imposing the exchange rate of Somaliland Shillings to US dollar amid currency depreciations.
The chairman was arrest along with other money exchangers and the spokesperson of Telesom, the largest telecommunication company in Somaliland, which operates mobile money services. They are not officially charged of any crime, but they are held for refusing to enforce government orders, according to the State Minister of Finance.

After conclusion of an extra-ordinay meeting in Tuesday, the cabinet made a decisions "aimed to tackle the currency depreciation," according to the Minister of Presidency, Mohamoud Hashi Abdi. 

"We are ordering the money exchangers to exchange the 1 US Dollars in 7, 000 Shillings,” the Minister of Presidency said.

"Avoiding to enforce these orders will result criminal penalties,” he added.

Speaking in this week before the Upper House of the Parliament (Guurti), the chairman of the Money Exchangers Association said "the government is not using Somaliland Currency. It collects tax revenues in US Dollars which increased the demand of Dollars. The salaries are paid in Shillings rate but are distributed in Dollars.”

The opposition demanded independent investigation. Barkhad Jama Hersi, the Justice Secretary of Waddani party, accused the Police of arbitrary detention and inhumane police stations. "There should be immediate independent investigation of the reasons of detention and the causes of his death,” he said.

About the author

Jama Ahmed Jama is the Editor-in-Chief of Somaliland Daily


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