Somaliland congratulates President Farmaajo, but says it is an independent country and not part of the federal states of Somalia

Thursday February 09, 2017 - 16:56:11 in Wararkii u danbeeyay
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    Somaliland congratulates President Farmaajo, but says it is an independent country and not part of the federal states of Somalia

    Hargeisa- The President of Somaliland Ahmed Silanyo congratulates the newly elected president of Somalia Mohamed Abdilahi Farmaajo, but warns him not to interfere in the sovereignty of Somaliland.

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Mohamed Abdilah Farmaajo
Hargeisa- The President of Somaliland Ahmed Silanyo congratulates the newly elected president of Somalia Mohamed Abdilahi Farmaajo, but warns him not to interfere in the sovereignty of Somaliland.
In a press release issued by the spokesperson of President Silanyo, Somaliland government welcomed the decision of the parliamentarians of Somalia to vote for Mohamed Abdilahi Farmajo as President.

"We congratulate Mohamed Abdilahi Farmaajo, the new president of the neighboring country of Somallia. Somaliland gives the first priority a better neighborhood and peaceful co-existence of the two brotherly countries. We envisage peace, stability and sustainable solution for the Somalia’s quagmire,” the statement said.

"Somaliland is sincerely committed to improve and continue the Somaliland and Somalia talks,” he added.

"The talks to win, we call on the new president to divert from the wrong path taken by his predecessor who was famous of his interference and disruption of the sovereignty of the Republic of Somaliland,” the press statement said.

The statement reiterated that the politicians from Somaliland who are in the government of Somalia do not represent Somaliland which has directly elected leaders.

"Somaliland is an independent country and is not part of the federal states of Somalia,” the statement concludes.

About the author
Mohamed J Ismail is a reporter for Somaliland Daily

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