Somaliland: Appeal court in Hargeisa acquits Hubsad journalists

Sunday February 26, 2017 - 09:30:57 in Wararkii u danbeeyay by Jama Ahmed
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    Somaliland: Appeal court in Hargeisa acquits Hubsad journalists

    Hargeisa- Yesterday, Hargeisa regional appeal court upheld a regional court judgement acquitting Abdirashid Nour Ways, the chairman of Hubsad newspaper and Saed Khadar Abdilahi, the editor-in-chief. The appeal court said the two journalists did not c

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Hargeisa- Yesterday, Hargeisa regional appeal court upheld a regional court judgement acquitting Abdirashid Nour Ways, the chairman of Hubsad newspaper and Saed Khadar Abdilahi, the editor-in-chief. The appeal court said the two journalists did not commit any crime.
The court judgment stated that the newspaper cannot be published unless "remaining registration process is completed.”
The journalists were charged of publication of false news and operating unauthorized business.

Abdimalik Mouse Oldoon, freelance journalist, who was arrested on 15th February for "supporting and campaigning” for the recently elected president of Somalia, Mohamed Farmaajo, remains in police custody at the Criminal Investigation Department. 

Mohamed Baashe Hassan, the director of Star TV, arrested on 21st Februray has been released yesterday on bail.

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