Mohamed Farah Hersi, a famous Somali singer, dies

Thursday March 02, 2017 - 18:59:00 in Wararkii u danbeeyay by Jama Ahmed
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    Mohamed Farah Hersi, a famous Somali singer, dies

    Hargeisa- Mohamed Farah Hersi, a prominent Somali singer, dies in Hargeisa. The cherished musician has been in the Somali literature in decades.

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Mohamed Farah Hersi
Hargeisa- Mohamed Farah Hersi, a prominent Somali singer, dies in Hargeisa. The cherished musician has been in the Somali literature in decades.

Based in Hargeisa, he was among few classical singers who stayed in Somaliland after the collapse of the government of Somalia in 1991.

He was a member of the Somali legendary band, Waaberi, whom their music and drama still remain leading even though the band demised after the collapse of the central government of Somalia in 1991.

Mohamed was also actor in Somali drama.

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