Somaliland bans all meetings on a controversial UAE military base

Tuesday March 14, 2017 - 15:48:19 in Wararkii u danbeeyay
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    Somaliland bans all meetings on a controversial UAE military base

    Hargeisa- The government of Somaliland prohibited all meetings where the subject of discussion is the military that will be established by the United Arab Emeritus in Somaliland, according to a decision circulated by the State Minister on National Se

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Mohamed Mouse Dirie, State Minister on National Security
Hargeisa- The government of Somaliland prohibited all meetings where the subject of discussion is the military that will be established by the United Arab Emeritus in Somaliland, according to a decision circulated by the State Minister on National Security.

"Meetings against the security and development projects of the country are increasing. These {meetings} are occurring at the main hotels of the country. The meetings are intended to incite and misinform the people,” the State Minister Mohamed Mouse Dirie said in a decision dated 13th March 2017.

The decision says all meetings discussing or talking about the military base are prohibited.

The decision of the Minister addressed to the hotels said "anyone who fails to execute this order and allows to convene a meeting at a hotel will face strong response and will be brought before the law.”

Unsanctioned protests were already banned in Somaliland.

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