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Opposition Contender Joins the Ruling Party

0 Visits: 1289 | Thursday December 15, 2016 - 13:30:00
Jamaal Ali Hussein who recently lost a court case after the Supreme Court ruled in favour of the chairman of the opposition Justice and Welfare Party told supporters at the port city of Berbera that he officially joined the ruling party, Kulmiye.

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Human Rights Advocacy Organization Denounces Somaliland's Human Rights Record

0 Visits: 1215 | Thursday December 15, 2016 - 08:16:08
As part of the commemorations of the World Human Rights Day, Human Rights Centre, a human rights advocacy organization, published annual report. The report covering December 2015 to December 2016, was released in an event held at Maansoor Hotel, Hargeisa. Here is the summary of the report.

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President Silanyo Reshuffles his Cabinet Members

1 Visits: 1140 | Monday December 12, 2016 - 12:31:42
Last night the president of Somaliland Ahmed Silanyo dismissed three ministers and six deputy ministers and state ministers.

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Disagreement between the Minster of Presidency and the Minister Water surfaces

0 Visits: 1097 | Monday December 12, 2016 - 12:29:38
Disagreement between the Minster of Presidency and the Minister Water surfaced Thursday after the Minister of Water was refused to attend the ordinary Cabinet meeting held every Thursday at the presidency under the chairmanship of the president of Somaliland, Ahmed Silanyo.

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Somaliland president returns to the capital from a nationwide tour

0 Visits: 1121 | Monday December 12, 2016 - 12:28:23
In the middle of a severe drought that hit the eastern regions of Somaliland, President Ahmed Silanyo, cabinet members and ruling party leaders toured the drought affected regions to assess the situation,

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Opposition party accuses the government on the death of an inmate in Berbera Prison

0 Visits: 1127 | Monday December 12, 2016 - 12:26:16
The Justice Secretary of Waddani opposition party accuses the minister of justice and the commander of Somaliland Prison Guards over the death of a prison inmate who died in Berbera Prison. In 24th November 2016,

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Waddani Political Party Faces a Case

0 Visits: 1217 | Monday December 12, 2016 - 12:20:08
Ahmed Moumin Seed filed a suit at the Commission of Registration of Political Associations and Certification of Political Parties to challenge Waddani political party decision dismissing him from the post of first deputy chairman along with other members.

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