
Are political parties in Somaliland different?

0 Visits: 191 | Sunday June 02, 2024 - 13:22:24
Hargeisa- Editorial by the Somaliland Daily team.

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Dacwadda Muranka Badda ee Somaliya V Kenya

0 Visits: 2198 | Saturday October 16, 2021 - 10:53:23
Hargeisa- Waxaan halkan ku soo koobi doona nidaamki iyo xukunki ka soo baxay dacwadda Muranka Badda ee Somaliya v Kenya. Iyadoo aanu qoraal hore ka sameynay 26 – August- 2021, "waxa ay qabato Maxkamadda Cadaalada Caalamku ee ICJ". Kaasi oo hordhac u ahaa si akhristuhu u fahmo sida ay u shaqeyso…

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Maxay Qabataa Maxkamadda Cadalaada ee Caalamka (International Court of Justice ICJ)?

0 Visits: 2936 | Thursday August 26, 2021 - 12:06:22
Faallo: Maxay Qabataa Maxkamadda Cadalaada ee Caalamka (International Court of Justice ICJ

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Editorial: Coldoon promotes violence and intolerance

0 Visits: 2161 | Saturday August 21, 2021 - 23:33:41
Hargeisa- Editorial- Abdimalik Muse Oldon (aka Cabdimaalik Muuse Coldoon), a former journalist, was arrested on Thursday from Burao town of Somaliland.

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Xaqdoon Law Firm: Legislative review of gender parity in politics and leadership in Somaliland

0 Visits: 2113 | Thursday April 30, 2020 - 21:37:51
Hargeisa- A leading law firm reviews to study legislations pertinent to gender equality to pinpoint challenges and opportunities.

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New online shoes store opened in Hargeisa

0 Visits: 3435 | Thursday October 03, 2019 - 18:15:18
Hargeisa- New innovative online business exclusive for women shoes has been opened in Hargeisa.

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Somaliland: Dismissal of MP Nasir A Shire is a blow to anti-corruption fight

0 Visits: 2423 | Monday August 20, 2018 - 08:09:28
On Saturday, 18th August 2018, the Speaker of the House of Representatives dismissed Nasir Ali Shire from his chairing position after the Public Accounts Committee he was leading published a report unearthing corruption accusations.

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Let me introduce to you the next chair of SONSAF

0 Visits: 2571 | Tuesday July 03, 2018 - 11:35:02
Hargeisa- Somaliland Non-State Actors Forum (SONSAF) will convene its general assembly in Hargeisa on 3rd July 2018 year, but the next chairman is already known.

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What Somalia unity the Security Council reaffirms?

0 Visits: 4270 | Sunday June 10, 2018 - 12:59:49
Editorial- In a statement read by the current president, the UN Security Council said on 7th July it "reaffirms its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia."

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Al Shabaab befriends no one

0 Visits: 3482 | Sunday June 10, 2018 - 00:53:58
Hargeisa- Editorial- Puntland has been repeatedly accusing Somaliland of supporting Al Shabaab without giving any evidence whatsoever. Puntland and Somaliland clashed a number of occasions in Sool and Sanaag.

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The battle between the Constitution and the Siad Barre inherited

0 Visits: 2337 | Saturday June 02, 2018 - 16:36:44
Nearly three decades ago, the authoritarian military leader of Somalia, General Mohamed Siad Barre who came to power in a coup, was ousted after over ten years of civil war that had devastated the country.

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The fail to recall- Private owned Radios Stations

0 Visits: 2590 | Tuesday December 26, 2017 - 18:47:22
Erigavo- The one constitution granted, the one I yearned for most, the one I wish to hear news is still off-air, the radio podcast. So, am I deaf?

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Shuttering Social Media During Somaliland's Elections

0 Visits: 2336 | Friday November 10, 2017 - 21:05:43
Laetitia Bader-Senior Researcher, Africa Division, Human Rights Watch-- On November 13, the self-declared autonomous state of Somaliland will be holding presidential elections, the third since declaring independence from Somalia in 1991. The incumbent is stepping down and the elections are pitting the…

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The disarmament in Mogadishu has flaws that will lead to failure

0 Visits: 2855 | Tuesday June 06, 2017 - 01:39:37
HARGEISA- The government of Somalia started a disarmament in Mogadishu to collect weapons from militias. The exercise was taken to respond growing and intensifying security threats challenging the existence and operations of the newly formed government of Somalia. The government proposed an initiate…

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Fools rush where angels fear to tread

0 Visits: 2834 | Wednesday February 15, 2017 - 13:36:06
No one thinks that he would live enough to see when our peace-makers turn in to trouble-makers. The upper house of parliament, has no longer most privileged members, or engaged in its hot debates on issues affecting the lives of ordinary citizens. It's effective, peace-making dispatches to remote…

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'Bitter and Sweet': A flavor of Qaasim's Contribution to Leadership Theories

0 Visits: 3465 | Friday February 10, 2017 - 17:52:37
Introduction: Even though the fact that Somalis have rich oral traditions is largely agreed upon by Somalis themselves and researchers who visited East Africa both in ancient and modern times, significant effort had not been spent on reflecting the lessons that can be learned.

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Will the newly elected president of Somalia renounce his US citizenship to end the conflicting loyalties?

0 Visits: 3012 | Thursday February 09, 2017 - 13:17:41
Hargeisa- Under heavy security in an aircraft hangar at the international airport of Mogadishu, the members of the parliament elected Mohamed Abdilahi Farmaajo as the president of Somalia. Farmaajo has a dual citizenships.

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Why Somaliland Should not Accept the UAE Bid for Berbera Base

0 Visits: 2941 | Tuesday January 31, 2017 - 14:20:12

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Opinion on Digitization of Somaliland Shilling

0 Visits: 3263 | Wednesday January 25, 2017 - 21:24:33
Hargeisa- I am absolutely against the transfer power of instrument in the country such as (the currency) to private oriented business companies which are scandal to the standard of banking system. Having said that, I am going-back on 31st January 1995 when Somliland has issued Somaliland shilling and…

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A Nation's Artistic Treasure

0 Visits: 3848 | Saturday January 21, 2017 - 16:55:23
Hargeisa- The existence of an art center in every nation is a natural human desire.Every nation desires connection to the cultural and religious origins. Nations revere their historical roots as they seek to define their present. It is through traditions passed down from antiquity that one society learns…

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